Estrogen Dominance & Thermography

Estrogen Dominance & Thermography:
What Your Breasts are Trying to Tell You
Lifetime exposure to estrogen has been identified as a significant risk factor for the development of cancer.
More and more today, women and their health care providers are choosing to monitor hormonal levels. When we measure the level of estrogen and progesterone in the blood, urine, or saliva we are looking at the hormonal balance in the whole body. These are all useful tools providing useful information.
But the question remains… what is the effect of these hormone levels on the breasts?
The breasts have their own estrogen story.
Serum levels of hormones may not actually match the tissue levels. Breast tissue can have up to 50 times the estrogen concentration as serum. Normal fatty tissue in the breasts can actually produce estrogen which will be missed on blood testing and can contribute to risk. Some women have estrogen receptors that are more sensitive or bind estrogen more easily. They may even test as low estrogen levels but their breasts are actually being over-stimulated by the estrogen they do have.
Salivary tests have been used to assess tissue hormone levels but don’t take into account that the breasts produce estrogen locally while salivary gland tissue does not.
Lab test such as these are still very helpful in determining a therapeutic intervention and monitoring its effects and should not be discontinued.
Thermography can offer your physician a powerful tool that can help identify Breast Specific Estrogen Dominance.
This is done with thermography by identifying the vascular development in your breasts and giving each breast a Hormonal Grade. It can be achieved with an advanced medical infrared camera with high-resolution, taking grayscale images.
The Hormonal Grade is a way to look at the effects of estrogen on the breasts. Identifying the vascular development in your breasts can be critical in establishing your risk for breast disease.
Being proactive.
If a woman has a higher than expected Hormonal Grade, she can work with a qualified health provider to determine if excess estrogen stimulation is suspected. Once intervention is put into motion, the effectiveness of this action can be then monitored by a later thermogram. Basically, a window into seeing if what you did actually worked.
By using thermography to see the level of estrogen in your breasts, you have a tool that compares and contrasts to other tools.
Studies have shown that high levels of estrogen are a key risk factor for breast disease.
Thermography is a direct measure of breast physiology & is helpful as both a detection and monitoring tool.
Listen to your body.